Todmorden floodgates question…correction to previous post

Correction and clarification:

Samantha Anne Stott has reported on the Calder Valley Flood Victims Facebook page about the Todmorden church meeting on Monday 25th evening. Her report says:

“The church meeting this evening was full 🙂
There were representatives from the environment agency, The council, The children’s centre, The police and fire services and various different organisations offering their help…People are listening and are trying to help…. Making the very vulnerable their top priority.

Some of the information with regards to the flood defence system was very interesting: (The gates were opened) These are electronically opened when the water rises to a certain level and hits a sensor..The level of water wasn’t high enough to trigger the gates to open (I know its hard to believe). They were opened however by the flood defence team and there was a significant drop in the level of the flood water when they opened. They are not operated by a key – So that rumour is untrue!”

This updates an incorrect report that the flood gates in Tod were not opened until 1.30am on Saturday morning,  because the person with the keys was in Dewsbury and couldn’t get to Tod because the valley road was flooded.

In 2006 the Environment Agency completed expensive flood defences in Todmorden.  These use Centre Vale Park to store flood water, via the floodgates.  The Environment Agency has also built new defences along the banks of the River Calder. More flood allevation work is continuing in the town.



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